Writing Notebook

Friday, June 15, 2001

Filling the Well

The concept of "filling the well" comes from Julia Cameron's book, "The Artist's Way", a book designed to help us enhance our creativity. Cameron points out that we need an inner reservoir to draw from if we are going to continue to create. She describes our reservoir or well as a creative ecosystem that we need to care for and she points out that, "If we don't give some attention to upkeep, our well is apt to become depleted, stagnant, or blocked." Cameron suggests we set aside an hour or more weekly to do something that nourishes our creative self. It might be a trip to a museum, a walk in the country or even watching an old movie. The important thing is that we do it alone so we can enjoy and absorb what the experience brings without concern about others. She calls these weekly activities our "artist's date" as we are taking our artist self out for the afternoon or evening.

Sometimes it's not so much a lack of enriching experiences that does the damage but a matter of just plain too much going on. Too many commitments can be a big factor in depleting our "well". So perhaps instead of thinking of additional things we'd like to do, first we might take a careful look at what we are already doing. I suspect most of us are involved a number of things simply because we feel we should be. If we give it careful thought we would probably find only a few of these activities are things we really want to do because they are important to our work or our family. Most likely we can all find several obligations that are simply filling our time and robbing us of energy. We must learn to firmly say "no" to these things in order to clear the slate for the activities that are truly important to us. We need to face the fact that when we are depleted within ourselves we can give little to others. Nourishing our own creative self is the best thing we can do for friends and family as well as for ourselves.

Another way we rob ourselves of time is by habitually spending part of our days doing such things as reading the newspaper, watching TV or surfing the net. I don't mean we should give up favorite TV shows or websites, more we need to stop and evaluate if we are being nourished by these activities or if we are simply filling time. It seems strange that we ever waste time like this with our busy schedules but we do, often because we are too fatigued to do anything else. If we can decrease our obligations we will have more energy to spend our time in creative endeavors rather than simply letting time filling activities steal our hours.

I also find that the act of creation itself is nourishing to me. Not the frustrating parts of the process but the times when creativity is flowing and time seems to stand still. So it all becomes a balance of many things. First of all clearing the space, then letting in new inspiration and most importantly taking time for 'moodling', which simply amounts to puttering about doing something we enjoy whether it be sitting on the porch watching the birds or working in our garden. Take a look at the article "Take time for Moodling" to see how these activities enhance creativity.
Once we are no longer depleting our well but actually filling it we will find there is an additional reward, for the very act of being creative will "fill our well" even further.

© 1999 Anne Johnson www.womenfolk.com

Monday, June 11, 2001

Magic Carpet Exercise

This exercise is an example of "guided imagery" which can be very positive, uplifting and relaxing. This particular one was developed by the Behavioral Sciences Institute.

I recommend you print this exercise and either have a friend read it to you or you can speak into a tape recorder and play it for yourself.

Please make this a positive experience for yourself, only seeing positive beautiful things.

We are going to begin with relaxation so find a comfortable place in which to sit or lie, close your eyes and take three deep breaths, in—out, in—out. We’re going to relax our bodies starting at the top of our head and working down to our toes. Relax your scalp, relax your brow, relax your chin, cheek, ears, relax your nose, relax your eyes, eyelids, relax your lips; imagine them fat, full completely relaxed. Relax your tongue, the roof of your moth, your throat; relax all the muscles in your throat. Relax your neck, feel the tension leave your neck. Relax your hands, your fingers, feel the tension flow out of your fingers.

Enjoy the feelings of both arms being heavy, at ease, completely relaxed. Relax all the muscles of your back, spinal column, relax the muscles of your chest, your abdomen, relax the muscles of your pelvic area, your buttocks. Let the seat you’re in or the bed you’re lying on support the weight of your buttocks, then relax your thighs, your knees, the muscles of your lower legs, Relax your feet, your toes. Imagine all the tension flowing out of your toes so that both legs and both feet are heavy, relaxed and free of any tension. Relax your mind, your heart, your lungs and all your internal organs. Lie or sit there for a moment enjoying the feeling of total relaxation.

Now imagine yourself walking down a country road. Meadows and trees are around you. Completely relaxed—completely at ease. Walking, enjoying the beauty in front of you. Suddenly, in front of you, you see lying in the middle of the path, the middle of the road, some object. As you walk closer, you realize it’s a carpet. As you walk even closer and right up to it, you know it is a magic carpet.

With great confidence and peace, you walk on to it and you sit down, perhaps cross-legged. As you do this the magic carpet slowly rises, into the air and it starts to move forward, forward into the future, five years from today and it stops over your home. And you look down and what you see is very pleasing. Everything you’re looking at pleases you. You see the building in which you are living five years from now, and you see yourself in the building, in the home and you see yourself doing and talking and moving about in ways that are pleasing.

Look at the details of your home. The colors and the sounds. Are there other people in your home? People that would please you to have there. Who are they? What are they doing? What have you been doing or what will you do with the rest of this pleasing day in the future? Where have you been, where are you going? And look outside around your home. What do you see there that pleases you? Colors, sounds, people, perhaps a building?

What does the outside, the environment around your home look like? What things please you? Let’s go back into your home and we’re imagining it as if the roof is off and you can see right into the rooms.

Again, what are the people doing? Who are the people? What is the atmosphere? What sounds do you hear that please you? What colors do you see that please you? What words do you hear that please you? What are you doing that pleases you? If there are people around you, what are they doing that pleases you.

And now, take one last look at this picture in the future of what pleases you to see happening five years from now. And now you notice that the carpet is slowly moving away. Slowly moving back into the present, gently lowering you on that country road. Finally the carpet touches the ground; you stand up and you continue on your walk, content, perhaps with a smile on your face. You have seen what pleases you and you walk on down the road enjoying the beauty around you.

And now, when you’re ready, open your eyes and come back to this room, to this place, carrying the feeling of contentment and pleasing images with you.

You can ride this magic carpet again any time you wish.

Wednesday, June 06, 2001

In my travels today through space and time I came across some information that is quite basic and yet basically overlooked on a daily basis by a majority of people. We spend a good deal of time complaining about our life circumstances and an even greater amount of time "wishing" and "hoping" that things were different. We are creative people by nature and we should know how powerful the creative spirit is, not only in creating a product for others to enjoy, but in making the kind of lives we really want. Claim your life. Actively move toward the goals you seek.
Let us consider today how to set about ACTING on the wishes and hopes we carry with us.
We have the very real power to change the world, one life at a time.

If you seek change in your life, act to make it so.

Rules for Creating the Life You Want

To create what you want you have to really believe you can and thus release beliefs that you have limited power over circumstances.
To create what you want you have to know what you really want and visualize it.

To create what you want you have to focus on the essence -- the quality or feeling -- rather than the form. Many forms will work. No one form will bring lasting joy.

What you want you already have within. Give or radiate what you want to get and you will experience it.

Before you act, take time to visualize an image of the completed act. Imagine that your desire is already fulfilled. Trust that your higher self will now bring this about as you trust it.

You are guided from within through your soul or higher self. Listen within and take action only when you have a sense of what to do that feels right and loving. Most of your problems arise when you act without first checking it out.

Creating what you want happens in the small ongoing moment to moment decisions you make. It is not created by just one big event. Where you focus your energy and attention expands in your life. Emphasize the good and more good will come to you.

Every situation is temporary. Things are always changing. Every situation offers you an opportunity to affirm and experience the highest. Painful experiences can offer you the opportunity to gain awareness and release the negative beliefs that you still hold that are creating these painful experiences.

At the soul level there is no good or bad energy. It is how you use it that determines its usefulness.

The outer mirrors the inner. People's behavior toward you mirrors something that you are doing to yourself. If you don't like something that you're experiencing, find out what you're thinking or doing within yourself that this reflects.

The images you hold mold life to fit them and therefore affect others to live them out. However, don't attempt to change others as a way to make your work. Trying to force others only strengthens their resistance and turns your power over to them.

You can only change yourself. However, as you change your response to other's conduct, your relationships will change.