If you share a fascination for learning more about The Creative Mind of A Writer then this article will interest you.
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
Saturday, April 06, 2002
Regular writers at Soul Food often find that they are at the mercy of an often silent muse. Every writer has to come to term with Writer's Block. Madhuri Narayan at SharpWriter adds her comments and provides some new insights into this perennial problem.
Jamie Walters from IvySea sent me a link that will be of use to those in the Cafe who want to excell and write for money.The mission of Poynter Org is to support journalistic excellence, but the writing tips are appropriate for all non-fiction writers
Jamie Walters from IvySea sent me a link that will be of use to those in the Cafe who want to excell and write for money.The mission of Poynter Org is to support journalistic excellence, but the writing tips are appropriate for all non-fiction writers