Stories are a primary mode of human communication and thinking — and one that has been used since the dawn of time. Why? Stories have depth and multiple dimensions; they help us create human connections in a world that seems complex, sometimes (or often) threatening, and increasingly dehumanizing. Stories give us context. The alternative? Having bits and pieces of data that are disconnected from any unifying context, community or truth.
The ways we tell stories
We "show, tell and feel" stories, using our auditory, visual and kinesthetic modes of giving and receiving information.
Read about applications of story telling that will assist your journal keeping and utilize the wealth of links provided by this visionary leadership center.
The ways we tell stories
We "show, tell and feel" stories, using our auditory, visual and kinesthetic modes of giving and receiving information.
Read about applications of story telling that will assist your journal keeping and utilize the wealth of links provided by this visionary leadership center.