"You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly posses all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality."
-- Florida Scott-Maxwell
And what do you do with all this newfound reality? For that matter, how do you truly claim the events of your life to make yourself your own in the first place? Each of us would find our own methods that suit us best, but for me, as for many others, including my fellow Musers, this can be done through writing. It is the best outlet I have found for fierce reality.
What else would I do with all that I have experienced, all that I have been and done, but try and turn it into something useful and memorable – to write about it?
By way of introduction, I’m Amanda Maruhn, proud Muser and proprietor of Writing Voices. For a while, struggled with the dichotomy I found in writing to please myself and writing to please others. I decided, after quite a bit of heartache, that it was necessary for me to write first to please my self alone, before I could try and write for others. It was the only way I could be true to myself, and find out where I am, what I really think, and what direction I should take.
But, I recently decided to try and do both at the same time! Wanna see a writer stretch her wings? Take a look at Writing Voices. There is a place with some fierce reality for you.
-- Florida Scott-Maxwell
And what do you do with all this newfound reality? For that matter, how do you truly claim the events of your life to make yourself your own in the first place? Each of us would find our own methods that suit us best, but for me, as for many others, including my fellow Musers, this can be done through writing. It is the best outlet I have found for fierce reality.
What else would I do with all that I have experienced, all that I have been and done, but try and turn it into something useful and memorable – to write about it?
By way of introduction, I’m Amanda Maruhn, proud Muser and proprietor of Writing Voices. For a while, struggled with the dichotomy I found in writing to please myself and writing to please others. I decided, after quite a bit of heartache, that it was necessary for me to write first to please my self alone, before I could try and write for others. It was the only way I could be true to myself, and find out where I am, what I really think, and what direction I should take.
But, I recently decided to try and do both at the same time! Wanna see a writer stretch her wings? Take a look at Writing Voices. There is a place with some fierce reality for you.