Follow Your Bliss
I have been so busy being busy that I have let some things slip through my fingers these last few weeks. My cat told me she needed my attention by scratching me viciously for the first time in 8 years of love and affection. My family would do the same if they could!
I have made myself so busy that the individual moments of each day bleed together; their unique hues and textures become muddled and gray. What have I been rushing through? How many small moments of joy have I trod upon in such haste?
I have been at work on my new website Manymuses Studio. I am pleased with the constantly evolving results but appalled at how much time is consumed creating a web site. Each tiny aspect must be selected, added, then saved and published. It is an exhausting process and not one I am likely to undertake again soon.
I am currently at work on a special links page called Dream Images that incorporates my most recent artwork with the flotsam and jetsom of surfing the web.
Here you will find random and seemingly unconnected links to an eclectic array of websites that may or may not have influenced or inspired my work.
I am a person who acquires knowledge by osmosis so everything, anything is fodder for the creative engine. I have been on a creative high these last few months- churning out more work in the average week than I have in the last five years combined. It is a time of great connectedness- an attunement with my true role in the world. Joseph Campbell says "Follow your bliss" and I have been following my art and my writing, but just for today on a blissful summer afternoon, my cat and I are going out to follow the sun as it plays in the dappled leaves above the softly swaying hammock.
I have been so busy being busy that I have let some things slip through my fingers these last few weeks. My cat told me she needed my attention by scratching me viciously for the first time in 8 years of love and affection. My family would do the same if they could!
I have made myself so busy that the individual moments of each day bleed together; their unique hues and textures become muddled and gray. What have I been rushing through? How many small moments of joy have I trod upon in such haste?
I have been at work on my new website Manymuses Studio. I am pleased with the constantly evolving results but appalled at how much time is consumed creating a web site. Each tiny aspect must be selected, added, then saved and published. It is an exhausting process and not one I am likely to undertake again soon.
I am currently at work on a special links page called Dream Images that incorporates my most recent artwork with the flotsam and jetsom of surfing the web.
Here you will find random and seemingly unconnected links to an eclectic array of websites that may or may not have influenced or inspired my work.
I am a person who acquires knowledge by osmosis so everything, anything is fodder for the creative engine. I have been on a creative high these last few months- churning out more work in the average week than I have in the last five years combined. It is a time of great connectedness- an attunement with my true role in the world. Joseph Campbell says "Follow your bliss" and I have been following my art and my writing, but just for today on a blissful summer afternoon, my cat and I are going out to follow the sun as it plays in the dappled leaves above the softly swaying hammock.