When it comes to Street Photography it should be said that many people are unaware such a genre exists, so it may strike them as odd when they come across someone photographing graffiti, torn posters or derelict buildings. Usually Joe Public will put the individual down as a harmless crank and at best ignore them . . . . but there's always one who wants to know, "Why? What for?", so you mumble something, anything, and hope it satisfies them.
Unlike Joe Public I am not going to ask too many questions. I am just happy to check our this harmless crank's work. Something will get my creative juices going and who know's - it may lead to a great novel.
Unlike Joe Public I am not going to ask too many questions. I am just happy to check our this harmless crank's work. Something will get my creative juices going and who know's - it may lead to a great novel.